What is a financial adviser or wealth management adviser?

A financial adviser is a professional who specialises in managing and advising personal finances.

The main role of a financial adviser is to help individuals make informed decisions about their money, investments, and financial planning. Financial advisers often work closely with clients to understand their financial objectives, constraints and needs to formulate appropriate strategies.

Financial advisers can offer various services, including portfolio management, retirement planning, financing solutions and debt management, taxation, and estate planning.

When looking to work with a financial advisor, you must do thorough research to find someone you trust with the skills to meet your financial needs. Check their background, certifications, and experience in the financial industry.

Setting financial targets

An essential part of a financial adviser's role is to help you set financial goals and develop a strategy to achieve them. Whether those goals involve paying off a mortgage, buying property or planning for retirement, a financial advisor can guide you in the right direction.

Life changes

Significant life changes often require reviewing your finances and adjusting your financial plan. This can include marriage, divorce, the purchase of a property, the birth of a child or preparation for retirement.

Tax planning

Taxes are a fact of life for everyone. Depending on the circumstances you face, they can be particularly complex. A financial adviser can guide you through optimising your tax position.

Retirement planning

Retirement planning is one of the leading financial concerns for many people. A financial adviser can tell you if you're on the right track for retirement and help make the necessary adjustments to your retirement plan to achieve your goals. Whether you are planning to retire early, retire abroad or simply identify your retirement lifestyle and budget, good planning can give you peace of mind at this critical stage.


Investing can be a great way to achieve your financial goals. However, it can be confusing when you're just starting out. A financial adviser can offer investment advice and help you manage your investment portfolio.


In short, a financial advisor plays a crucial role in helping you make informed financial decisions based on your goals and financial situation. Whether you need help investing, planning your retirement, or managing your day-to-day finances, a wealth management advisor can provide the expertise you need to achieve your financial goals.

I want to connect to the App using facial or fingerprint recognition, but I can't find the option. What should I do?

How do I activate facial or fingerprint recognition on my mobile device?

Facial or fingerprint recognition can be activated the first time you log on to the system (provided your mobile is equipped for this). The system will prompt you to start a fast connection:

These settings can also be activated later in the mobile App:


The next time you log in, you'll be asked whether you want to activate a fast connection using facial or fingerprint recognition.

The feature will be available on the App's login screen if you activate it.