I've blocked my eBanking access. What should I do?

My eBanking account is blocked, and I'd like to have it unblocked.

For security reasons, your eBanking access is blocked if you enter the wrong password or Authenticator code three times.

To unlock it:

  1. Contact your usual Piguet Galland contact or reception at +41 58 310 40 00.
  2. Once you have identified yourself, your contact person can unlock your eBanking access.
  3. Once access has been unblocked, you can reconnect to eBanking.

Good to know

Your password must contain at least the following:

  • 8 characters
  • 1 upper case and 1 lower case
  • one digit (0-9)

If you still can't remember your eBanking password, you can have it reset in just a few minutes by contacting us.

See also: I've forgotten my password. What do I do now?